If the enemy team has 5 people at an objective, it means you are soaking and pushing all 3 lanes uncontested. The entire point of TLV is to soak experience and push lanes while you are at objectives. Do not take a team fight if you are outnumbered.On that basis, I have tried preparing the below guide to help you on the rare circumstances where you have TLV on your team. When I lose a game with the TLV, it is because my team does not know how to play with the TLV. When I win a game with TLV, it is because my team knows how to take advantage of the TLV.

I watched the replay and went back over my various TLV games and I noted the same thing: In one game I was told I was the worst Vikings Player, in the following game I was told I was the best. I am currently a level 9 TLV player, not the best, but not horrible. LAN finals final day 2d 17h 10m Heroes International Nations Cup LAN finals day 1/2 1d 17h 10m Heroes International Nations Cup